Saturday, October 20, 2012

Canto for Invisio-Girl

Have you ever witnessed
On your own
Without the boost given through
Cinematic special effect
A slender woman
Fade away through a wall?
Fascinating as this may sound
I'm fairly certain you may recall
A time-lapsed occurrence
Of nature or technology
The truth of how
It actually plays out

You may remember
You may remember
Upon seeing the finale
Or recounting on conception
How the beginning justifies
The end
Vice the verse

When I tell you she has faded
Through these walls
In this place she came to visit
One cold, sparkling winter season
For holidays from her tasks
A place to drop her bags and masks
An unmated gyne
On October's Butterfly Bush

All the folks came out to meet her
As I, in my safari helmet
Strewn about with carcasses
For canvases of Lions, Tigress, and bears,
Did regale her as princess
Of a time when monarchs
Ruled the air

Gee, ain't it funny
How certain walls will
Naturally absorb objects
Resting against the surface
Yet resistant of light and air

You may remember
You may remember
The bitter chill of September
And the forgiveness of abandonment
Spewed from the lips
Of the solid foundation
Of the living God's future bride

I wish this journey was ours
To take together
You may build walls
To protect or defend
You may tell lies
To deflect or offend
Neither could make it better
Or wipe away hours shared

I have stared at the wall every second your face has faded
The orange flecks of your eyes
The pinkness of your lips
Faded into the fingerprints of your hands
Faded now the memory of your kiss
Your long toes
Used for writing flamenco libros
On the logo of your heart

You may remember
You may remember
Yet, dearest, I shan't forget
Of the all the good that you have done
Through out the infinite embrace
Of time's deepest depths

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Six Lanes Across Vibrant Red Clay

Tree rings count the cross cut ages
All the old timers
remember when

I've personally watched both Freedom & Independence
Drive & Boulevard (respectively)
Spread in that ugly, flabby way

Now I am positioned to witness
Mallard Creek become an auto-doped
Thoroughfare for 'big 'uns'
With incredibly poor lines of sight

Six lanes across
It's the number of man
Planning the next on-ramp

Not one headline
About all the oaks felled
Where the rubber hits the road

One lone photog out there
Snapping, snapping at the scene
Of a multiple arboracide
Smooth jazz aficionados
Slow to stop - wondering
What's that crazy white boy
Doin' out there?

Most of the modern science
Has come to believe
There is a master plan in effect
To the creation of all flora and fauna
Every component effects (re: impacts)
Every living sector of this beautiful world
We were given to inhabit
To celebrate
To love and nurture


I walked out on the red clay
Underneath westward fleeting lion's sun

Found the construction silenced for Sunday
Hitachi at rest

Found one red & and yellow 12oz
Empty and face down
Under swirling stripes of cirrus

Found a hard, traveling (insect)

Found a fellow documentarian
We talked for a moment
,as cars rolled past,
Time continued to march