Tuesday, November 15, 2011

jump down poem man

Yesterday was the best day to be beasts
In the fields we labored for the bread
Bought with the sweat of our backs
There was no refinement
Only sweat and spit
To quench the rising
Of hot animal blood

The day after that was a wonderful enlightenment
We came up with rules to make everything
Run much, much smoother
A couple of guys even built 
a Machine 
to catagorize all our menial tasks 
And (as a side effect) it makes everything 
Rainbows, rainbows, rainbows 

Tomorrow will not prove so kind 
Now that the system is fully implemented 
All the offshore gurus have banker hours 
The animals have escaped From the City zoo again 
Even the bees can't figure out 
How to get back home 

There will, however, be a sunrise 
(I have it on very good authority) 
Also a chance to help and love 
Someone who may be in need 
There's always someone in need 
If the world refuses to end 
All you have to do is 

Send me a msg 
And i will do my best 
Come hell or high water 

 pmpope 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blue & Red In The Eye - pmpope

Blue & Red In The Eye

Revel in the falling leaf
Inevitably arrives the crunch
Winter's blanket develops
In these late Autumn Days
Where do we go from here,
If not into the warmth?
Into the feasting hall
While stockings dangle
Upon the mantle
During a long wintery nap
Condor scales the blue
To find a morsel among
Crunch twig
Among these fallen,
flaming leaves
PMPope 2011 PM