Sunday, June 26, 2011

Punctuate the Positive

Bleak lands call the hours to pasture
Creeping fungus gets involved in every
Crucial crevice and holds court in the time
It takes to look back

Even I send off this thought under the office
Of very low light in the land of unlimited
Electricity is at a premium
When these flood waters surge

Beauty is STILL
Everything & everything that is
Will & can be what is
Beauty does not dwindle
Even though it crumbles

I'd like, one day, to wake
& truthfully bake
A wonderful creamy cake
Which'd have the power to slake
Even the most cruel cunning
Of the king of the world's stake
& banish all the human fake
In apocalyptic trenches of a worldwide

Silly. I know
And seen has been believed
For the mind & soul of the creatures
Presumption in this paradigm of Me Time
Where the moments totter off
'Round mountain-sized stacks of products
& truth being held out of sight
While the keys to the pantry
Are passed off to the paltry
& their various offspring

pmpope ~ 2011

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