Saturday, December 31, 2011

No Small Wonder

> Here's the sun of another day // Here's no small matter // Ringing chords of celestial machinery // Flying solo on coffee jazz // we make our decisions based on all data // available, to us, at a particular point along the timeline // the pain of teeth, approach of death, onslaught of romance // all finger their strings // producing such individual melodies // tossed into the soup of life //

> Here's a blue background of singing, winged messengers // Here's a gray canvas of imminent solar flares // licking skyscrapers, amusement park roller coasters, transmission towers @ the top of the top... On the pinnacle of the apex... of the highest & holiest mountain ever grafted... Into the contour of this: Terra Firma amriF arreT //

> Tomorrow will be another day // More strange & unique // than its' predessors could dare lay claim // Hopefully // it will afford you & i to love, love, love one another // until time's refusal to move // or light refuses to shine ~

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Perfection is Attainable

Don't give up or in 
to the voices backhanding - 'no.'
Release anything which could ever hold you back
a wave trapped in the jetty
still offers aquatic contemplation
a star plummeted to Earth
Leaves a wonderful mark

Reaching for love; You're bound to fall
into a basket or a casket
with a biscuit or a gasket
falling turns to flying
if the timing-chain's adjusted right

Not necessary to be too bright
to step from the darkness; into the light
after you've broken every last rule
and finally flip the switch
On the perfection
Inside you

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

jump down poem man

Yesterday was the best day to be beasts
In the fields we labored for the bread
Bought with the sweat of our backs
There was no refinement
Only sweat and spit
To quench the rising
Of hot animal blood

The day after that was a wonderful enlightenment
We came up with rules to make everything
Run much, much smoother
A couple of guys even built 
a Machine 
to catagorize all our menial tasks 
And (as a side effect) it makes everything 
Rainbows, rainbows, rainbows 

Tomorrow will not prove so kind 
Now that the system is fully implemented 
All the offshore gurus have banker hours 
The animals have escaped From the City zoo again 
Even the bees can't figure out 
How to get back home 

There will, however, be a sunrise 
(I have it on very good authority) 
Also a chance to help and love 
Someone who may be in need 
There's always someone in need 
If the world refuses to end 
All you have to do is 

Send me a msg 
And i will do my best 
Come hell or high water 

 pmpope 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blue & Red In The Eye - pmpope

Blue & Red In The Eye

Revel in the falling leaf
Inevitably arrives the crunch
Winter's blanket develops
In these late Autumn Days
Where do we go from here,
If not into the warmth?
Into the feasting hall
While stockings dangle
Upon the mantle
During a long wintery nap
Condor scales the blue
To find a morsel among
Crunch twig
Among these fallen,
flaming leaves
PMPope 2011 PM

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Piece of a Blown Apart Heart

Hold this piece in your heart / let the clouds the sunshine part  / equal to yourself / nothing dare compare / you're my favorite one /
Skies may open / seas may close / you are my hearth & home / your love; my spiraling stair /   you are the one that gets me there /

Friday, October 14, 2011

Chiefly Concerned With The Abscence of Love {as the world winds down}

Her arms were never so strong \
as the advertisment made them out to be \
Holding nothing in her arms \
she seems slightly softened \
The advertisement should have made that point, \
as a disclaimer \
'Objects are closer than they appear' \
Or, at least 'Objects appear closer than they should' \
Or you could REALLY bust their chops \
If the advertising dollar was spent \
On the idea of: simplicity for simplicity's sake \
Then Rosie the Riviter may somehow've lived \
An honest and unassuming life \
In a little cottage in New Jersey \
Without being an icon \
Of a schematic device used profusely \
To build tensions into whatever political potpourri \
The kids find jangling in their pockets \
As they head off into their targeting rages \

PMPope ~ 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prima Ballerina

Here is your overture
Orchestrated grand entrance
& exaunt
this stage
Littered with thrown roses 
petals they've lost

There are some convincing moments
when lips meet meditatively
there for that moment 
when lashes flutter
before the eye
darting off
towards future blocking
greasepaint lighting
swan song
and final

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crossing Across Space

I've nothing for you
Take my empty hand
No boots
No dresses
No beauty parlor visits
No foreign money orders
No running through the airports
No crowded photographs
No long lost embrace
I'm wearing no sleeves
No sack on my back
Working in the chimney
Covered in soot
I've only a heart pumping blood
A brain for collecting image
A tongue to taste
Sweet words of the lips
And eyes
To capture the light
Of your heart
And the warmth of your
Which is more than enough for me
Enough for any man
To live out his days
thousands of miles of railroad tracks
Away from the epicenter
Of your garden
How the garden swells
In the spring
What wondrous
Gifts the gentle rains bring
The music of the spheres
The trumpets of bees
While worlds away
You and me
gaze deeply
hand to hand

pmpope 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm Not From Around Here

If tomorrow you are offered
A gift beyond value
without tags attached
From the hand outstretched
given freely with knowing
no such gifts exist, as such

If the next day the entire curtain is lowered
All the seahorses are released from their bowls
all the prisoners set free, the blind to see
cripple and lame are dancing in the street
the noise of life stifled by the gentlest sigh

The news services declare
All poverty, crime, & murder have vanished
into the thinnest of the purest air
no hatred for money
no hatred of race

I pray thee, beloved
remember thou me
for such an otherworldy spectacle
is that for which I arrived
and that for which,
I long to see

pmpope 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Space Junk and the Inevitability of Catch Up

When your hair is bouncing in the breeze
You'd never think to see
Head held back to stare at the sky
Look up there!
That cloud looks like a tombstone
Yet on closer inspection
Hurtling from the atmosphere
Old space junk satellites
How was it when in the 70's we first heard Lou Reed
sing of Satellites of Love
But today no one could believe how all the junkies
With their canes and their permanent
Game Over! Mental codecs
Shuffle throughout the E. Village And Alphabet City
So much discarded refuse
That broke our hearts & now the rain of space junk
Is reported by news crews
While smiling and reminding us:
If you see any space debris
Call the police immediately.
After all,
It is government property.

Silver Day, She Rolls

Down the slope she strides with an easy gait
taking in changes erupting monochromatic
with the verdant as vibrant
as any sweet sprig of spring's eternal emerald
now she paints it chrome silver
singing its' jangly folkloric lyric
reserved for blindingly blue days
next to approach will be the white
cold beard scrounging through the bricks
during festivals of blood and wine

pmpope 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Translucent Kind

Looking through is quite the thing to do,
or so t'would seem to anyone who was born on this planet
in the last hundred years or so. Look through the leaves
of black and white newsprint and you may find something
to pique your interest. Glass comes to mind
as an elegant solution to increase your chances
of looking through something without causing much of a fuss.
The great thing about looking through
glass, is that it forms a physical barrier to an other dimension which,
you could, if you so desired, become an object within and in doing so,
change your entire reality. Look through the lenses
of glasses or cameras. You'll notice three versions of time
occurring similtaneously. Look through a magazine or a deck
of cards, your imagination will soar with all sorts of possibilities.
Look deep into the eyes of your pet. You may unlock the very mysteries
of the soul. Looking through your list of friends
may give you an indication of who you are
and what you hope to archive in this life.
Take a long, deep look.

pmpope 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mindful of This Never Forgotten Day (9-11)

There was a day when we were called
attention was captured
United collectively
Froze welded into a peoples' being

This series of tragedies occurred
not because of any of us, individually
But who we are, were, and will be
Will ever draw the ire
From the fuse of the fire
Lit by the fingers of hate
And fearful greed & jealousy

Mothers began the wail
Raised into the heavens
On pillars of smoke

Brothers and sisters stopped
Dead in their tracks
for lack of belief

Fathers, feeling powerless to explain
Began planning a rescue
Of all that were left

There will be a day
When the smoke will disapate
The rains will come
All that is broken
Will be swept away
Even of memory
There will be a day

pmpope 2011 9-11

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Some Lovely Memory Stuck

There was a time to think you could've
Gone that extra mile to the fair
Away down the frozen aisles

Between the river and the field
For the flair to sport
I couldn't think of one thing finer
Than your watery gold dripping
through my fingers

A night so capped with yearning for the next
Atop a sunken ship
So full of stars & stops

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Passing Crowd

Watch & learn
How to be a good little human
Who breaks the laws
Who pays the bills
Who sucks it up
Who hurts from lonely

pmpope 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who's That Knocking?

That is the floor
This is my bed
Late night noises, I hear
The sky is overhead

The walls stand firm
The Earth moves as she does
I go through the sunshine
With the bees and their buzz

The world will not end
Erase from your brain
Syllables of fear & hate
Eradicate the stain of pain

Hoping for peace; this world shall never end
Barking for war; our hearts will not mend
The glamourous life's corruption is a weight to be born
Its brunt blunt grunt sings Sisyphus mourn

This is my bed
That is the floor
Please leave your well wishes
& flowers by the door

pmpope 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beware the Russian Room @ Shakespear & Co. ( Paris )

It is quite tight & hidden from prying
Secret eyes privately beckon
'Hey! Come over here & check this out!'
KGB nostalgia fr3aks & lovers
Of the poetry of Mother Russia
the space is so confined

Bent and packed against bohemian shelves
With all the Vladimirs & Natashas
All the Piotrs & Sonjas
A veritible history of sexually charged,
Vodka fueled philosophics

Ripe for the plucking
A guilty secret
In subterfuge

pmpope 2011

Hemp Piece

Hemp for health
Hemp for hope
Hemp for homes
Hemp for humans
What part of this aren't you getting?
Hemp for horticulture
Hemp for healing
Hemp for houses
Hemp based Vanilla milk shakes
Just chime in when you catch a whiff
Hemp brewed beer
Hemp infused hotcakes
Hemp for homeless hound dogs
Hemp for happiness
Hemp for erectile dysfunction
Hemp for the holidays
Hemp for Honda
Hemp for Hundayi
It burns really clean, dude
Hemp for heating
Hemp for hippies
Hemp for high falutin' hillbillies
Hemp flavored hotdogs
Hemp based high dollar handshakes
It's got, literally, over a million-plus uses
Messengers of Hemp
Politics of Hemp
Industrialization of Hemp
Space shuttles built with and powered by
Pilots powered by Hemp
Diplomas of Hemp
The amazing world of Hemp
Chickens & pigs raised on Hemp
( prophetic Hemp visions of green eggs and ham )
Chill out on a rug made of Hemp
High tech chips of Hemp
A spot of tea brewed Hemp
A reliable broom built with Hemp
Biodegradable plastics of Hemp
3rd Quarter increases in the production of Hemp
A 'Get-Out-of-Jail-Free' card printed with soy based ink
on 15lb stock of Hemp
The Dunder Mifflin of Hemp
The Levis of Hemp
Musical instruments of Hemp
Farming hats of Hemp
Gardening gloves of Hemp
Scarecrows stuffed with Hemp
American flags of Hemp
High octane hot rods fueled with Hemp
Pictures of George Washington in a field of Hemp
Woodstock's got notin' on Hempstock
Reduction in crime caused by Hemp
Reduction in suffering caused by Hemp
Reduction in poverty caused by Hemp
Reduction in unemployment caused by Hemp
Reduction in the negative side effects of Pharma-based society
Caused by Hemp
Increase in American production caused by Hemp
Increase in farming based lifestyle caused by Hemp
Increase in future stock trading caused by Hemp
Increase in appreciation of nature caused by Hemp
Increase of peace and spirituality caused by Hemp
Increase of philosophical debate caused by Hemp
God Almighty Thank you for all this Hemp
Earth sustains us with Hemp
The sunrise reminds us of Hemp
The sunset is brilliantly Hemped
Through the forest and woodland glade
off we go a-Hemping
Evaluate the Hemp
Revaluate the Hemp
Grow, grow, grow Hemp
Think about what you've got - Hemp
Don't chase after someone else's crop - Hemp
Jump up on the harvestwagon - Hemp
Let's buy American Hemp
Our Hemp is of high quality
Excelsior, Hemp!
You have saved our economy From total and humiliating collapse
Run on a Hemp platform
Into a Hemp frontier
Hemp men & Hemp women
UNITE! For this truly is
to be
Hemp's finest hour!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Alchemical Manifestation w/ Flowers & Ice

Heat... humid... ice melt
Me @ metal cafe
Ant running across iron grate
Of hair & time on my arms

Condensation beading plastic
Clouds fill bowl of sky
Oh, that it were proper
Sew up the blue splotches
With all this silver gray along the line

We could then pretend they'd never been
Even if it were revealed through us
Via these lenses less glamourized;
Less memorized
Than through utility
Of memorial or sensationalism
Harvested @ one of dem
Lyrical financial academies

Even if one of our dearest,
Lovely, darling poet/ess/e/s
Took a portrait of crimsom petals
Yawning @ the gate of the State pen
Out in Pennsylvania (You Got A Friend)

Where the hearts of of the hardened
Concrete convicts crumble
& all the while
Ice melts in plastic
@ a metal cafe

PMPope 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Punctuate the Positive

Bleak lands call the hours to pasture
Creeping fungus gets involved in every
Crucial crevice and holds court in the time
It takes to look back

Even I send off this thought under the office
Of very low light in the land of unlimited
Electricity is at a premium
When these flood waters surge

Beauty is STILL
Everything & everything that is
Will & can be what is
Beauty does not dwindle
Even though it crumbles

I'd like, one day, to wake
& truthfully bake
A wonderful creamy cake
Which'd have the power to slake
Even the most cruel cunning
Of the king of the world's stake
& banish all the human fake
In apocalyptic trenches of a worldwide

Silly. I know
And seen has been believed
For the mind & soul of the creatures
Presumption in this paradigm of Me Time
Where the moments totter off
'Round mountain-sized stacks of products
& truth being held out of sight
While the keys to the pantry
Are passed off to the paltry
& their various offspring

pmpope ~ 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011


Pulling up to the red light
in a non-descript sprawlburb
I notice a man sitting at the corner
With a bucket & a squeegee.
He runs up to cars & offers to wash
Their windshields so they can see
Where they are going
And all the marvelous things
God has prepared for them in this
Journey of life where only the smart
& the strong are necessary to carry on.
'What a good man.' I think to myself
With a slight brush of my hand
I acknowledge the wallet
Resting plump against my chest
In this wallet
Are picture of my family,
My reason to be
& also plastic cards
They equal so many pictures
Of dead presidents.
I think: 'It's a good job & tax-free to boot.'
The man spins his sign
In some hispanic language it says
Something about: God Bless You!
I think: He is loved by God
What good is my money
To him?

Pmpope 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This is a time to consult the rumbles of the stomach.
Night has come and gone again...
All the clever realisticles have melted
In an epileptic puddle as the last lightning bolts
Picked up all their toys
Returning to the trailer park caverns
From whence they erupted
Not as long ago. Has another stooped to find
Has something the matter been?
Has birds their fearts boiled
Dropping into the gear housings
Of mud cakes with the right certification
Lovely? Where have you offed yourself to?
Just yesterday, (was it not?), with dreams as technicolor
As cotton-candy on a Ferris Wheel
And now, here, today....
Only steel grey clouds masking the moon.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Impending Woodpecker Doom

Whether it's rhythm or not
you must keep knocking
hard upon this tiny spot
though t'would seem as a flaw
to all in the order of life
you must stand tall
or get swallowed
by the employees of glamor
who work in politik department
on the reform ticket
of the old guard

Whenever it rhymes
take a dip
be sure
the sun does not set
on your flourishings
nor dare the trapezistas
of the hyper-boreal
ever to be able
to buy you something
resembling lunch

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3dge Data & 3dgeRanch converge on Haywire Manor for Super Moon Photo Shoot

Dateline: Saturday March 19th

I took my camera out of doors on multiple occasions today & now I leave the Lab/Studio/Ranch for more glimpses of this phenomena> Will I actually take a worthy photograph or will this be my final attempt to salvage what little remains of this Saturday night. Only time will tell.