Monday, November 23, 2009

Whoever is NOT with me is against me

Throughout time's flow you have the ability to spot moments of great importance when one individual was able to help another in such a small way at once it could be counted as being non-important & insignificant.

The same has held true for the obstacles of human advancement. These malignites have held back from giving what they could during the most impactful moment of necessity.

This is the balance of power.

'If ya ain't fer me, ya must be against me.'

This seems to be a bit of Americana folk wisdom but if you've ever read the 'Holy Bible' of the Christian faithful you will find this same sentiment intoned by the star of the New Testament, you guessed it: Jesus Christ

Before you start getting your hair in a whirl, I am not claiming any supernatural gifts nor scaling myself in any fashion to Him who was put to death more than two thousand years ago. Let me tell ya, I have been beset by all manner of insane, disgusting creature while wandering atop the planet. I have found that rich people (i.e. people of material status generated through the work of a slave class.)  Never give any thing of worth [other than a look down the nose] while the poor give beyond their means. Even if it means going without something they'd wish they could have.

The druglords and bandidos are in the pockets of major corporate mobsters so they are of very little use to bringing about any sort of substantial change. The greed of social castes is a level of Inferno that would be ultimately impossible to escape from without a complete mental pattern makeover.

This is the 3rd Earth Age we are living in. Could we get any closer to the Lake of Fire? To Plague? To Famine? To War? To Enviromental Collapse? The Aztecs call the 5th Sun 'The Final Sun' as do the Mayans but label it 'The Sun of Movement'

The transition has already begun. I pray you will find a guide worthy of your path.


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