Friday, November 30, 2012

Electronic Conjunction

to vilify and stir up hatred against him
Put him down like an animal
Lawyers for Facebook argued that it was
neither necessary nor proportionate
a global anonymous browsing system
heavy fighting between rebels and government troops
Thousands of Egyptians protested against President
spill hazardous chemicals into the water, authorities said
A cold November night warmed the hearts of America
when a candid photo spread on the internet
the airport was open but no flights were operating
Marines are already using solar panels
Oh, going to poetry live has made me
she forbade me
they have clever ways of using and putting
words together

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Grass Turns Yellow For Lack of Sun

She'd be warm in a fuzzy sweater and wearing a Muscovite fur cap
In her kitchen and her bedroom
She would be warm
And she would make me warm
With her smile and her excitement
I'd be compelled to grab her in my arms
My breath would warm her ear
Her word would stoke my furnace
That would be romance. Romance is for the young,
I write this from November
From this place, romance is very far away
Impossible to see with the naked eye
Or in the song of a bird hell-bent on stabbing
Some last dregs of dirt crawling things
On the way back to the nest of twigs and dead grass
Is it any wonder all the superheroes of this planet
MUST wear disguises or be set upon
When they least expect it?
Not only them, but their loved ones also.
No wonder the marriage rate is so low
Among caped crusaders and women flying invisible jets
The same goes for all the washed out and burnt to a crisp
Nothing left to give
So t'would seem to the casual observer
In their times of healing
Must look quite uninspiring
Three days in a tomb or the belly of a whale
Not the most heroic stance
Not the knight readied with lance
To charge the lonely dragon
In it's cavern of solitude
How should we then attend to all the scratches and scrapes we have earned in this endless summer of misspent frivolity? I don't feel the need to mourn the dead, better they should mourn for us, the living. It is us to carry their memory everyday UP & DOWN the hills and freeways. It is us whom must live up to their once upon a time heroisms. Let them come down and show us how to survive this world they have left us. Don't get me started on the interest rates! Let them show US how to form a more perfect union or build a better mouse-trap. This is no small rant and there is implied no recant for the counting of electronically produced snapshots of votings and dotings, for everybody knows a house is not a home without a Boston Terrier and there could not be any US without the All involved and Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without some tofurkey and some mistletoe so we move on into the winter with fond memories in our hearts and beautiful visions sparkling in the prismatic splendor of love's eternal promise of love's eternal flame.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How Much Is Me?

When looking into the mirror
Under the fluorescent fixtures containted with *new* green bulbs

The DnB breaks across this app, though it's free It can still be cheap The cheapest decisions can deliver the most plagueristic effects If you take your eye off the ball FOR A SECOND THAT ball could bounce off an unsuspecting skull Son, that's what we call the 'bean ball' Believe you me My fine, dwaddle swaddled do-doddler, When two or more toddlers are involved It's what is known as a poo shoot Enter Henri, the best excuse ever made For fine, young ladies wearing boots & jeans There is no satellite to pull down the data Once you've thrown it to the high holy heavens Above the seas of oceanic excuses Wrapped in Sumo weedy bureaucracy with all her friends Spouting demonic phrases betwixt breaks Of nasal laughter forced through the meat grinder How could I ever fall in love with someone Who carries such heavy bags on her shoulders? She flips her ponytail over her porcelain chin To get up and begin again Her march into the darkness du jour Intrigued, as she is, with slimey things Her voodoo artwork is as lost on me As a pinot is to a night train connoisseur Why should I rush to aid those plunging Headlong over the cliff into this dark molasses? Why don't they call their friends in Manassas? Or pray to the Holy LLAMA of Brahma, As the asteroids are handing out their calling cards In the 7th inning stretch When the machines run continual glitch And all the heroines have been exposed To that long lasting final exposure In the museum of chronological photography Etched forever into the interior eye Of the mind Which allows the heart access to the skies

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Rider Approaches

Outcry and aggravation in the heart of the public eye
Here in the Land of the Free decisions are to be made
Brothers against brothers
Sisters against their mothers

Deciding if we'd be better off
Or if the worker should get a free pass
At the taxpayer's expense

The looters are creeping from the shadows
Reliant on suspicions that
the old watch dogs have gone to sleep

It's getting so bad, I went to the Air National Guard
To look for a civil aviation career
Alas, and forsoothe, for la gente, I've been deemed 'Too old',
once again as is always been the case with convenient excuses
As these are applied to the truths Of the public pie

'There's not enough to go around!'
'Everybody wants THAT job!'
'Gotta take what choo can get!'
So on and so forth

This isn't very American, if you ask me
May I review the application for Lewis and Clark?
Didn't any of your silver spoonies get a break
Before they were a half a century old?
Doesn't experience count as education?

We all have a life to live
The operative noun being Life
If you don't support Life
You don't get my vote
If you lurk through the shadowy regions
It'll stick to your clothes and stink up your hair

I don't know anybody who would choose Pain and misery
That must fall under the heading
Of 'whatever floats your boat, ladies.'

After November 6th my prayers will remain the same
That we remain, One nation under God
With Liberty and Justice for all
& we don't start striping
The Constitution down
To a cheap little footnote
In our profit and loss columns

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Canto for Invisio-Girl

Have you ever witnessed
On your own
Without the boost given through
Cinematic special effect
A slender woman
Fade away through a wall?
Fascinating as this may sound
I'm fairly certain you may recall
A time-lapsed occurrence
Of nature or technology
The truth of how
It actually plays out

You may remember
You may remember
Upon seeing the finale
Or recounting on conception
How the beginning justifies
The end
Vice the verse

When I tell you she has faded
Through these walls
In this place she came to visit
One cold, sparkling winter season
For holidays from her tasks
A place to drop her bags and masks
An unmated gyne
On October's Butterfly Bush

All the folks came out to meet her
As I, in my safari helmet
Strewn about with carcasses
For canvases of Lions, Tigress, and bears,
Did regale her as princess
Of a time when monarchs
Ruled the air

Gee, ain't it funny
How certain walls will
Naturally absorb objects
Resting against the surface
Yet resistant of light and air

You may remember
You may remember
The bitter chill of September
And the forgiveness of abandonment
Spewed from the lips
Of the solid foundation
Of the living God's future bride

I wish this journey was ours
To take together
You may build walls
To protect or defend
You may tell lies
To deflect or offend
Neither could make it better
Or wipe away hours shared

I have stared at the wall every second your face has faded
The orange flecks of your eyes
The pinkness of your lips
Faded into the fingerprints of your hands
Faded now the memory of your kiss
Your long toes
Used for writing flamenco libros
On the logo of your heart

You may remember
You may remember
Yet, dearest, I shan't forget
Of the all the good that you have done
Through out the infinite embrace
Of time's deepest depths

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Six Lanes Across Vibrant Red Clay

Tree rings count the cross cut ages
All the old timers
remember when

I've personally watched both Freedom & Independence
Drive & Boulevard (respectively)
Spread in that ugly, flabby way

Now I am positioned to witness
Mallard Creek become an auto-doped
Thoroughfare for 'big 'uns'
With incredibly poor lines of sight

Six lanes across
It's the number of man
Planning the next on-ramp

Not one headline
About all the oaks felled
Where the rubber hits the road

One lone photog out there
Snapping, snapping at the scene
Of a multiple arboracide
Smooth jazz aficionados
Slow to stop - wondering
What's that crazy white boy
Doin' out there?

Most of the modern science
Has come to believe
There is a master plan in effect
To the creation of all flora and fauna
Every component effects (re: impacts)
Every living sector of this beautiful world
We were given to inhabit
To celebrate
To love and nurture


I walked out on the red clay
Underneath westward fleeting lion's sun

Found the construction silenced for Sunday
Hitachi at rest

Found one red & and yellow 12oz
Empty and face down
Under swirling stripes of cirrus

Found a hard, traveling (insect)

Found a fellow documentarian
We talked for a moment
,as cars rolled past,
Time continued to march

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hypothetically Elected to Further Designs

Let's say, you have a unanimous support base
Since nobody knows your record
No one can attack your legerdemain
You could say anything you'd like
Certainly the 'on-board' critics would agree
As you flash cards of monsters
To dazzle the pupils
All graduates of Social University
& Politically Connected Corporate Community College
But it ain't me
It ain't me
I've received hard fought paper
From the Institute of Philosophical Beauty
While minoring
In poems of love
And the cinema shot
In the dark night of the soul
After learning to turn
Base metals into gold
As simple as
A kiss into a memory
I was drug through the muck
To be hung out to dry

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Against the Grain

At times in our lives
When everything spirals
Out of control
& beyond any semblance
There seems a gnawing, nagging dread
Egging us on

It is alright to call me later on
I am not in a bad mood
simply typing with my voice
while we're talking
yes, audiocontrol

I'm putting the words into the device
hopefully the words will turn into something to help
help people to defeat the negativity
wow, they're going through the hardships of life

The words in my room
in my room and im pretty weird
but true
the word my room
my room spirals and embraces
old old
also phone phone
old home, who would hear it ?
we know who
Who would share it ?
moon doom aurora massacre
who would find
Scrambling in front of them,
know inside of them,
sew them in so,
Not let them go,

It's not brain surgery
It's the healing of the spirit & the mind
Neither intellect nor firepower
Could allow you the peace
Given freely
From the Son of God
Our Lord
& only salvation
Jesus Christ

If you find yourself
In that precarious spot
I'd definitely hope not
Take a prayer break
& ask God for direction
Before you destroy
And everyone
In your immediate vicinity

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ceiling Forever Above

Not enough for me
For anyone
To explain the sky
To bring you down
To lift you up

Our horizon runs along
A crashing surf transforms
To lap at the toes
Of dancing sandpipers
Dragging grains of time
To the Earth
Farther below

I hold you in my heart
High above my head
You caress the ocean
Far above crashing shores
Leaving messages tattooed
In Heaven's forever
Reverberating frequency

Friday, May 25, 2012

All We Have Is All We Need

It never ceases to amaze me how much 
is taken for granted
stars were assigned their transitus 
before the beginning of this age
still and deep
congratulations are in order
at the newest discovery
of human achievement  

You think this ain't love?

Sounds float up from the street
Speed Street; O'Farrell Street
streets are streets
upon their surface 
paths do meet
by chance 
or precisely manufactured plan

That probably ain't love either, huh?

The coloration of the flora
blooms and decays; blooms and decays
over a matter of heat
through these calendared days
from May to May

Accredited to which law; in which universe?

Poetry grows on trees
Pictures are manufactured by bees
Buzzards circle the cul-de-sac 
for reasonable rates
(on home loans)  
“Eww! I hate it when he goes dark, with these.”

Honestly. Is love too playful for you?

Time's gear house is running down
-Happens every so often-
so say the shaman of the maize
so say the cosmic cats
with their focus of eons away
purr and chirp through the haze
all through the night
as the sky gives way

Love is light

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ispettore di un Amore Perduto per il Mondo

In the morning, when I rise
I may as well shut my eyes to the sun,
Stick my head beneath the pillows
Let Melancholia and Lethargia
Continue their marathon run

When at five, out from my cube
In my gray flannel suit
I creep through the grate of streets
I should melt beneath the crush of feet
Ground to dust & blown discrete

Lost in traffic, none will know
Never daring to carry a note
Nor the breeze to deliver
A memory of your scent
There'd be no reason, after all

I work the scene, countless hours inside
There's no clue left to categorize
Or label for a box of evidence
When what's missing is without
transferable valoir
What's missing
is the press of your lips
& the warmth of your breath
It is you that's missing
in the equation of us

Friday, April 27, 2012

Striving to Gain; Objects Like Bombs - Part I

If it were a simple question
anyone could sample before answering;
before boarding the plane
into the exclusive, first-class section
of the cabin occupying the space
directly behind the cockpit
the co-pilot stumbles across
their feet with his aging horseflesh
his total & unnerving constipation
of apologetics. He knows about time.
He knows about space. Wind drag
& the desperate cries of a field bird
as her nest is circled by predators

A family of dogs / Their beautiful noses /
sniffing up springtime / & saving the snapshots /
House lizards are racing / towards insect communities /
across the red-bricks of warm wintered chimneys /
Across the stories of mortar

This guy over here
wants a shot of whisky
& sing the harrowing truths
of inequality, after all...
after all his baying & busking
he may curse time or his lot
in life or the brilliant fish
that escaped the hook
or the lovely servant girl
who was never his wife
with her invisible treasures
locked deep, deep inside

Friday, April 13, 2012

Polarizing Polemics (because we care)

Give thanks for every aspect of life that you experience.
You never know how quickly the negative publicity
Can transform into a positive message for you
Or a larger group of people;
A group you may or may not know

When someone is sick or dying
Avoid making them feel worse about
Their circumstances.
You don't necessarily have to condescend
To brighten the mood around the hospice,
Hospital, funeral home, cemetary, sick room
Consider your loved ones position
Think about how you would feel
Be happy for those crossing the threshold
This portion of their mysterious journey
Is coming to an end

Never forget
Someone loves you
Personally and deeply
& every move you make;
Every atom you displace
You can never do wrong
If everything you do
You do for the eyes of love

We don't always get the maximum allotment of time
To tell others exactly how we feel
Or to explain why our dreams are so important
If you get the chance to have this discussion
With anyone; at any hour of the day or night
Speak clearly and honestly
It maybe the very last sound
That either of you
Ever hear

Know that you are perfect
Exactly as you are
What the standard of the world
Refers to as 'flaws
Are in actuality
Marks of distinction
Which reveals the individuality
Of every single heart

I hope these words help you as you
Move on down the road
Towards your final destination
I offer these humble thoughts
In a manner of kindness

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Long Remembered Orchestration

When the sun is hot
It warms the skin;
The weeds;
The woods;
& everything left
Over from wynter-tide

Hungry is our acceptance
Thirsty, the epidermis
Through cones & rods
Streaming, as we're
Screaming 'Light!
& Life!
& Flesh!
& Feast!'

Every inch of fiber
In anticipation of this moment
The pistil of the field
Stretched taut to the blue
Forest glade & brook
Practical gurggles
Into this symphony

Friday, March 23, 2012

Adrift in Ingles

hello my penguin of custard and candy hearts.
How many times I have wished to pull all the leaves
from our favorite garden and leave the weeds to dominate
this landscape. Remember? After playing the curves we would
discuss such objects as these. In a different time, some may say.
You were restless with your eyes and me,
my heart. Therefore, icebergs barely pass ships
and the passengers are on board sleeping.
Never to know, what mysteries float along
under the waves of moonlight.

Lost in Espanol

hola mi corazón pingüino de natillas y los dulces.
¿Cuántas veces he querido tirar todas las hojas
de nuestro jardín favorita y dejar las malas hierbas
a dominar el paisaje. ¿Te acuerdas? Después de jugar las curvas
que se discuten este tipo de objetos.
En un momento diferente, algunos pueden
decir. Se estaban inquietos con los ojos y yo,
de mi corazón.
Por lo tanto, los icebergs apenas pasan los barcos
y los pasajeros están a bordo de dormir.
No saber qué misterios flotar
en las ondas
de luz de luna.

Any Time You Want

Take all this life has to offer
Discount coupons
Limited specials
As much as you can...
No one is promised
To gaze out upon the eyes
Of your one, true love;
Your heart's deep-set desire
This world is not my home
I am not alone
Nor do I dictate the decisions
Shaping the curve of your time line
Build your fortress
Stockpile your defense
For a day; someday
In full global retaliation
When there is no longer
Left the softest breeze
Rustling the leaves
On the branches of the trees
Causing the bluebirds to sing
And their song to ring
And their song to ring

~ pmpope 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weed Control Services

In plain speak: she asked for someone to come and do something
She could not or did not want to do herself
In short, she wanted extra help around the house
Not to complicate the situation
Or confound the present standard
She even attempted to employ a poet
To monitor the property
And dabble in horticultural landscaping
Though never under contract, per se
He stuck in there
As well as could be expected
Even her own children
Had abandoned their birthright
And out rightly broke the fourth commandment
As prescribed by the Creator
Of the known universe

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Electrons of Mertain Magnificent Magnitudes

Jumping ump in the dump of waters
Barely liquid by my reckoning
There's no chance past this pastel
No othing to give to the glib
Scratch of thatch tache
Coming back to hang signatory
There has to be another life
There should be something to let go
Things are growing
The outcome readies itself

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Playing Love for Death

If it were more difficult to cultivate
Perhaps no one would elect to succumb
The bottle of wine & full blown moon
On a honey sweet late spring eve
Would be all that is known

Greed is insidious in longing
Lust is a miscarriage of longing
Pride & fear go along, arm-in-arm
Toward belonging

Tramping through the USA
One may find many a goodly thing
To spend your dime
To waste your time
And hang your bloated tongue
As a Proprietor's shingle
In proitious times of repose & recline
At the bottom of a sewage ditch
While your sleeping like a baby

That there'd come along one
Who'd hamstring the system
To hand it over
As you would a ham sandwich
To the bully of the playground
(Who in reality is a Halloween facist)
Though politically correct in the daylight
And 24/7 on cable news networks
Remains unsettling, to say the least

Corruption has come to orchestrate
Definition and decorum of intellectual freedom
If you'd like to think you could effect the change
Best pull up your plutonium panties
& put on a kettle of Zarnig tea

Love flies out the window
When too many brainwaves enter the room
Love is only for animals
Without political agendas

If you'd like a car, a job, a house, ad nauseam...
Put your mind to work
In the direction of man made devices
For anything else...
Fasten your seatbelts
'Please, hold on.'
(As the voice on the MUNI line)
It's bound to be
A bumpy ride.

PMPope 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Alone in the sound booth {working out lyrics of Love}

It'd be different if I'd never gotten
what I'd said I wanted
but, dry spells are dry spells
there's no two ways around that corner.
I'm not a Hungarian guy who'll go home with… whatever
as the night turns into day
I know that you'd say
I may be cutting myself off at the knees
maybe it'd be best to return to my once conquered lands
like a muslim sneaking through the eurozone
Why should it be so difficult?
what's the diff?
As long as you knock it out of the park
before you kickoff the planet
for the final encore
the grand finale
something you need
Something akin to the statement:
veni, vedi, vici 
Ad libitum
simply & succinctly stated
Play it by ear & let the chips fall
where they may 

pmpope 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hidden Beneath Starlight

sleep should come sweetly to the brow unbridled... Mainly the days blur into a asphalt grey... Images now distant; more distant than the past... Their ravenous darting begin at wake... When the brain has no higher thought than abandon... To a dream, only just crawled upon... Curling under comforters... In dread of morning's crow...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Girl Above the Tunnel

You might call me a dog
Throw me from the speeding cab
Shout my name during a democratic riot
Imply misconducted deeds to the local authorities
Tie my ankles & wrist to the headboard of the bed
Light a 4 alarm fire comprimising my security deposit
With the landlord, Mr Ted
I'd have to forgive you
Don't you know it true?
Everyone I'd pass; I'd tell 'em
She's not you

Say I'd swim to Hong Kong
rocket over to Budapest
Ride a mythical creature to the Moon
I'd think I'd not swoon
This refrain I'd still croon
She's not you

So proudly I'll stand
With your buttermilk skin in my hand
Replaying your Frankenstien Transzylvania historic
As you try to rope me into your 12 step group
Swinging in the palm trees; playing in the fog
Though I may sound like a frog
Still would I croon
Nothing to worry, my dear
Underdog's not here
I will be your spoon, & still
I'll state it very confidentially
As would the loupe to the jewel
She's not you

pmpope 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Intra Due - {Libro de Esperanza - pmpope 2008}

Not one composed of one atom
or hunger
do desire two feasts
exactly mirrored
in deliciousness & delicacy
as a multiplex of paradise
where each mullion glorifies
starving in a marbled coma
while peeking through venetian
always with this
an angel descends
this airshaft
on morning's first
morsel of light
Intra due brame
Intra due dame